Friday, March 29, 2019


SHE used to be people person 
until she was dragged down by people whom she was trying to uplift. 
SHE used to be a loving person
until she realized how loving can break someone wholly. 
SHE used to be a supportive person
until she realized people only gonna take undue advantage of your support. 
SHE used to be kind to people 
until she realized that it does even pay to be kind. 
SHE used to care about people 
until she realized that people for whom she cares for don't even give a shit about her. 
SHE used to love crowdedness
until she realized how one can feel really alone even there. 
SHE used to be honest
until she realized that this society has completely failed to accept honesty. 
SHE used to be faithful 
until she realized that it is disloyalty which you gonna get in return of loyalty.
And now SHE has changed,changed a lot. SHE is no longer the same.

Monday, July 30, 2018


Took time to know you
Took time to love you
Trying to forget you
But not able to
Its you who's stuck up there
re-evoked memories 
pulling me towards you
coz You always end up by my side
even when situations were not right
You consoled me when i cried
held me close when no one was there
I never deserved this
you are amazing
& deserves some1 who treats u d same way
u treated me
You deserve the best of all
and that's not me
I am sorry for having
given you nothing
In return for you having
given me everything 
Realized how hard it must have been on u
i'm sorry for all i put you through
But BABY trust me 
you really meant everything to me
until i changed my definition of everything :')

Saturday, July 21, 2018


And when u lost all of your interest in me
you've thrown me out
keeping all our memories aside

u broke your vows
u left but my heart continues to pound
for the one who is never gonna be around
in this ever changing world
i thought u would stay
but just like a star in the sky
u faded away
i tried so hard to be someone u want
but maybe my touch wasn't enough to keep u warm
maybe for you i meant nothing
but for me u were my everything
And now you've got a lot of people
beside you , supporting you
and here i am
lost all of my people in just one you!